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Contribution a l'Etude des Serrans, Serranus Cuvier, 1817 (Pisces, Serranidae) de la Reserve Naturelle Marine de Cerbere-Banyuls (Pyrenees-Orientales, France). ArchiMer
Oliver, Guy; Pichot, Yves; Pichot, Paul.
The authors study two populations of Serranus cabrilla, one with a yellow color, the other with a deeper color (orange and brown). They try to see if it is eventually possible to join this duality of coloring to a biochemical difference by the electrophoresis of the eye lens proteins. This technique can give useful indications in a taxonomic study. The results of this work could indicate that the species Serranus cabrilla presents two populations which are separating and tending to a specific individualization. This speciation, perhaps, will tend to the individualization of two species that will be named : Serranus cabrilla for the "red combers" and "Serranus flavus for the "yellow combers".
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: MED; France Serranus cabrilla Population genetics Proteins Electrophoresis.
Ano: 1980 URL:
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